Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Some news. . . .

Well, got news during the week that I'll be doing another stint in India, this time Dehli. Should be good, but a lot of work needs ot be done between now and then to ensure I'm on top of the product and know it like the back of my hand. Some familiar faces are going back and some new, so should be an good time. After seeing a video recently of some of our counter parts over there, it reminded me of how much fun and rewarding the work actually was. It was somehitng which I had kind of forgotten, I think due to the fact I went straight to Malaysia and Vietnam afterward. We're scheduled for February at the moment, but we'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll get a bit more of our swelterning summer this year.
Had a wicked BBQ with my co-workers on the weekend, which was cool. Great to see my bosses new place which has been in the making for quite sometime, so I'm sure she's relieved to be in and gettnig somewhat settled.
I went to see Ben Folds the other night with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, another gig through my mate Mat G, and an awesome gig. Not someone I've ever really been exposed to a lot of, but he is a fantastic entertainer and the show was great. He entertained th whole way through. Kind of been missing the regular gigs, so its been good to get out and see some acts recently. I may have a regular DJ gig again soon with BVA, so I look forward to that. DJing a few weeks ago got me inspired to want to DJ again, I didn't realise how much I missed it. I've been spending a bit of time recording my vinyl into Serato so I can use it when I;m out, I didn't realise that until I went through a big system that MP3's sound crap, so the dream of having access to all types of stuff isn't quite there, they do, but I think there's some serious issues with some of the quality. Gotta rock a friends party this Saturday night, so I need to get a load more done by then, problemn is finding where all my hip hop records are stashed and recording them, need some surefire rockers! Sorry no photos of recent, I broke my bloody comera!

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